Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hello Andrew,
Thank you for your reply and time.
Today, we tried to reproduce the issue again with IE11 and were not able to do so..however no changes were done from yesterday.. we suspect the IE11 cache..perhaps the customizations we did on the userview led IE11 cache to misworking ..
let's see how things are going for few days and advise. next time when raising an incident we will do more investigation on our side and provide you with more detailled information.
Thank you
Update :
The issue happen only when using IE11, working fine with Chrome
Hi Christophe Thank you for yr feedback. We will look into this and release a fix in the next beta release.
Hi Christophe Sorry we could not duplicate your issue. Just to clarify, if you set in Userview > Settings > inbox: Show current App assignment only, it will show zero because the AppCenter app does not have any process and will never have a pending task to display a count (unless you added your own processes). In the same vein, clicking the "view all assignment" link will also not show any pending task for this current AppCenter app. What is your current userview settings configuration, maybe you could include a screenshot or attach a copy of your app for us to evaluate. Thank you.
Hello, all,
We did some modification on the appcenter userview and noticed the inbox icon was not any longer showing the number of activities assigned to users while clicking on "see all assignments" provide the correct list of activities for the user. Suspecting the changes we did on the userview we restored the vanilla appcenter (exported from an installation where it's working fine) but same problem..
Please help