Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi, may i know is there any solution for this?
Hi Friend, the row should be modalidad_pago which can have only to Values (Decontado or Fraccionado).
In other hand the value of field is store in the table hr_expense_claim and the Grid Form cuota_final take the values from this table.
Hi, as I know, section visibility control cannot be controlled by grid. It is because grid has multi row of data. Which row of data should the visibility control to consider the value?
Hi Experts ¡ I need hide a section based on the value of a text colum in a Form Grid control, but when try to use the reference to a value in the form can´t achiieve hide the section.
There are the examples:
Form Grid : It is the from grid that is in the same form where i have the section to hide.
Section: It is the option that i´m use to reffer to the column in the Form Grid.
So, based in teh value of the value of the column modalidad_pago i need hide the section, i did use formgridname.columname (cuota_final.modalidad_pago) and try with (modalidad_pago) only and formname.formgridname.columname and none of these works
I ám open resolution or to any other idea, thanks