Name | Description |
Spreadsheet | Element ID of the form element. |
Label | Spreadsheet label/title. |
Columns | The spreadsheet column(s) is defined here. Sub-element | Description |
Value | Field ID of the column. | Label | Column header title/label. | Format Type | Defines the type of input to store. Default format type is Text. Available Data Types: - Text - format the value as text
- Numeric - accepts a numeric value (See Format documentation)
- Date - accepts a date type value
- Time - accepts a time type value
- Checkbox - appears as a checkbox to check
- Dropdown - appears as a dropdown menu to select options
- Autocomplete - autocompletes any known phrases
- Password - obscures any alphanumerical value into a password
- Custom
| Format | Defines the format to show data on the spreadsheet based on the chosen format type. - Numeric - Key in format accepted by numbrojs library.
- Date - Key in format accepted by moment.js library.
- Time - Key in format accepted by moment.js library.
- Dropdown - Key in Form ID that contains the equivalent dropdown element.
- Autocomplete - See handsontable for samples.
- Custom - See handsontable for samples.
| Regex Validation | Validates input value to match the defined Regular Expression pattern. | Formula | Defines a formula to perform processing. Refer to Figure 1 & Figure 2 for a simple example. Info |
| Example: sales + profit-loss Image Added
| Readonly | Defines if the column is editable. |
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Figure 3 : Spreadsheet Form Element Properties - UI
Name | Description |
Enable Header Sorting? | Determines if users can sort spreadsheet data by column in ascending or descending order. |
Data Order Field ID | Field to keep the ordering sequence. Must correspond with a field id in the target form. |
Readonly | Defines if the entire spreadsheet is editable. |
Disable Add Feature | Determines if a new row can be added. |
Disable Delete Feature | Determines if a row can be removed. |
Show Row Numbering? | Show additional column on the leftmost to denote numbering. Info |
| Row numbering checked. ![](/community/download/attachments/26771544/expenses-sample-spare-row.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488766339000&api=v2)
Number of columns to fixed on left | |
Number of spare rows | Number of spare row to be added automatically after lines with values. Info |
| 1 spare row ![](/community/download/attachments/26771544/expenses-sample-spare-row.png?version=1&modificationDate=1488766339000&api=v2)
Custom Settings (JSON) | |
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Figure 4 : Spreadsheet Form Element Properties - Validation & Data Binder