| Name | Description |
1 | Process | Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Select any process present in the current app, for interaction with API. |
2 | Short Description | Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Any description here. |
3 | Anchor |
| Abort activity instance |
| Abort activity instance |
| Abort activity instance
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Abort an activity instance in a running process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/abortActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"date": "Thu Aug 29 18:33:39 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
} |
4 | Anchor |
| Abort process instance |
| Abort process instance |
| Abort process instance
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Abort a process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/abortProcess/{processId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"date": "Thu Aug 29 18:35:31 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
} |
5 | Anchor |
| Complete activity instance |
| Complete activity instance |
| Complete activity instance
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Complete an activity instance to continue the flow of a process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/completeActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"date": "Thu Aug 29 18:41:53 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
} |
6 | Anchor |
| Clone running process instance |
| Clone running process instance |
| Clone running process instance
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Essentially cloning a running process instance along with its state and workflow variable(s) to a new process instance. Option available to simultaneously abort the original running process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/copyProcess/{processId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
abortCurrent | Abort the original running process instance. Expects a boolean. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"processId": "152_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [
} |
7 | Anchor |
| Get activity instance detail |
| Get activity instance detail |
| Get activity instance detail
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Get details of an activity instance in a process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getActivityDetail/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"finishTime": "",
"variables": {
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": ""
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"dueDate": "",
"activityName": "HOD Approve",
"activityDefId": "approve_claim",
"processVersion": "7",
"participant": "approver",
"activityId": "384_149_expenseclaim_process1_approve_claim",
"processId": "149_expenseclaim_process1",
"processName": "Expense Approval Process",
"createdTime": "Wed Aug 28 15:03:15 SGT 2019",
"assignee": [
"processDefId": "expenseclaim#7#process1"
} |
8 | Anchor |
| Get activity instance workflow variables |
| Get activity instance workflow variables |
| Get activity instance workflow variables
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Get the workflow variables and its values from an activity instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getActivityVariables/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": "",
} |
9 | Anchor |
| Get process instance detail |
| Get process instance detail |
| Get process instance detail
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Get details of a process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getProcessDetail/{processId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"requester": "admin",
"startedTime": "",
"finishTime": "",
"variables": {
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": ""
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"processId": "149_expenseclaim_process1",
"dueDate": "",
"packageId": "expenseclaim",
"name": "Expense Approval Process",
"processDefId": "expenseclaim#7#process1",
"version": "7",
"states": "open.running"
} |
10 | Anchor |
| Get process instance workflow variables |
| Get process instance workflow variables |
| Get process instance workflow variables
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Get the workflow variables and its values from an process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/getVariables/{processId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"SelectApprover": "admin",
"status": "",
} |
11 | Anchor |
| List activity instances |
| List activity instances |
| List activity instances
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| List all activity instances of a process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/listActivities/{processId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
sort | Activity list data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter. | sortDescending | Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expects a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter. | startOffset | Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer. | pageSize | Number of results to return. Expects an integer. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| [
"dateCreated": "28-08-2019 03:03 PM",
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"name": "HOD Approve",
"id": "384_149_expenseclaim_process1_approve_claim",
"state": "open.not_running.not_started"
] |
12 | Anchor |
| List completed process instances |
| List completed process instances |
| List completed process instances
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| List all completed process instance(s) of the specified process. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/listCompleted | HTTP Method | GET | Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
sort | Completed processes list data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter. | sortDescending | Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expects a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter. | startOffset | Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer. | pageSize | Number of results to return. Expects an integer. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| [
"startedTime": "25-04-2019 08:14 PM",
"requesterId": "admin",
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"due": "-",
"name": "Expense Approval Process",
"id": "44_expenseclaim_process1",
"state": "closed.aborted",
"version": "1"
] |
13 | Anchor |
| List running process instances |
| List running process instances |
| List running process instances
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| List all running process instance(s) of the specified process. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/listRunning | HTTP Method | GET | Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
sort | Running processes list data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter. | sortDescending | Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expects a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter. | startOffset | Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer. | pageSize | Number of results to return. Expects an integer. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| [
"startedTime": "26-08-2019 07:29 PM",
"requesterId": "admin",
"serviceLevelMonitor": "-",
"due": "-",
"name": "Expense Approval Process",
"id": "149_expenseclaim_process1",
"state": "open.running",
"version": "7"
] |
14 | Anchor |
| Reassign activity instance |
| Reassign activity instance |
| Reassign activity instance
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Explicitly set a user to replace an existing assignee of an activity instance, via username. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/reassignActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
assignee | Username of the original user assigned to the task. | replacement | Username of the user to replace the assignee. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"date": "Thu Aug 29 19:27:03 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
} |
15 | Anchor |
| Reevaluate activity instance |
| Reevaluate activity instance |
| Reevaluate activity instance
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Update/Replace the assignee(s) of an activity instance according to the current participant mapping of the specified process. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/reevaluateActivity/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"date": "Thu Aug 29 19:32:19 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
} |
16 | Anchor |
| Set activity instance workflow variables |
| Set activity instance workflow variables |
| Set activity instance workflow variables
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Set the values of the workflow variable(s) of an activity instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/setActivityVariables/{processId}/{activityId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. | activityId | Activity Instance ID. |
| Query String Parameters | The parameters required here is highly dependent on the app/process design. Parameter | Description |
variables | Workflow variables and its values. Note |
Do ensure that the workflow variable spelling and letter case is correct, as no error is outputted for non-existing workflow variables. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"date": "Thu Aug 29 21:32:19 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
} |
17 | Anchor |
| Start activity of a process instance |
| Start activity of a process instance |
| Start activity of a process instance
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Start an activity instance in a process instance. Option available to simultaneously abort the current running activity instance in the specified process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/startActivity/{processId}/{activityDefId} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processId | Process Instance ID. Expects the ID of an existing process instance. | activityDefId | Activity Definition ID. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
abortCurrent | Abort the current running activity instance in the process instance. Expects a boolean. |
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"processId": "152_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [
} |
18 | Anchor |
| Start process by current user |
| Start process by current user |
| Start process by current user
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Start a new process instance of the specified process as the currently logged in user. |
Warning |
This API method only works for Basic Access Authentication. See here on how to configure this setting in Manage API Key userview menu. |
Info |
| Remember to check Process Start White List to make sure the user is allowed to start the process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/startProcess | HTTP Method | POST | Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processInstanceId | Process Instance ID of a process that has been created, but not started. | recordId | Populate the process instance's starting activity form with an existing record. |
| Body Parameters | The workflow variable(s) parameter required here is highly dependent on the app/process design. Example: Code Block |
| {
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
} |
Info |
| If there is a Form mapped to the start process node, the Body Parameters apply to Form Data If there is no Form mapped to the start process node, the Body Parameters apply to Workflow Variables
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"processId": "153_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [
} |
19 | Anchor |
| Start process by username |
| Start process by username |
| Start process by username
| Panel |
borderColor | black |
bgColor | #fbfff5 |
borderStyle | solid |
| Start a new process instance of the specified process on behalf of a user via username. |
Info |
| Remember to check Process Start White List to make sure the user is allowed to start the process instance. |
Name | Description |
URL | /process/*yourProcessId*/startProcessByUser/{username} | HTTP Method | POST | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
processInstanceId | Process Instance ID of a process that has been created, but not started. | recordId | Populate the process instance's starting activity form with an existing record. |
| Body Parameters | The workflow variable(s) parameter required here is highly dependent on the app/process design. Example: Code Block |
| {
"additionalProp1": "string",
"additionalProp2": "string",
"additionalProp3": "string"
} |
Info |
| If there is a Form mapped to the start process node, the Body Parameters apply to Form Data If there is no Form mapped to the start process node, the Body Parameters apply to Workflow Variables
| Sample Response | Code Block |
| {
"processId": "154_expenseclaim_process1",
"recordId": "747ada41-a7e8-4537-a060-ae7daface7b5",
"activities": [
} |