Hello there,

i've been using Joget on a Local Machine for testing my workflows.

now i want to to port the process and forms to my server.

The Process can be uploaded by the XPDL Files..

My Question: Can i download (from my local machine) and upload the Forms too?


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  1. Hi Jonathan,

    You can browse to Design Processes > Manage Processes, select the targeted process, and click the "Export Package" button in Update Process page. This will export the XPDL process design, forms, participant mapping, and activity mapping of a package, into a zip file.

    Then, you can import this package into another Joget Workflow instance, by clicking on the "Import Package" button found in Manage Processes page.

  2. Hi,i'm Tian Hoe here.

    I'm also facing some problem here.

    After i export the package,then when i import the package into another Joget Workflow,the user's element lost.

    Eg:missing user

    I have to manually re-create those missing elements after import.

    May i know how i'm going to solve??

    Which step should i do??

    Thank for your kindly advice. 

    1. Hi Tian Hoe,

      When importing a package, it doesn't automatically create users, groups or departments so that's why it displays a warning to notify you. It does however retain the mapping information, so the moment a matching user/group is created, the participant is automatically mapped. 

      Hope this helps!

      1. Hi,Julian

        It does not auto mapping to my current workflow after i re-create the user.

         Erm,i import from a pc to another pc.

        What shall i do???

        Thanks for your kindly advice.

  3. Hi Tien Hoe,

    When creating your groups and users on the target machine, remember to use IDENTICAL 'Usernames' and 'Group Id'. When you do this, the imported package will have the participant mappings retained.

    I hope this helps.

    1. hmn,i found that i have to create the related usernames 1st before import the package and it's work.

      Thanks for helps.:)

      1. Glad that it works! Do take note as well that all IDs are case sensitive, so we have to always be careful when creating them to match by case as well.

  4. Hello Friends,hope you all are doing well.

    I have a problem regarding the same discussion,please reply me soon.
    i have designed and configured a complete process on my local machine,it has about 18 forms and about 10 users.Now when i exported the process,i got it in the zip form,when i extracted the zip file i got two files, appDefinintion and one xpdl ,i imported the xpdl file and i just got the design and not the forms and users,so now its a big headache for me to develop all of the form s again .Please let me know that, is there any way to get the forms that i have already designed? i tried to import the zip file through the option "import via xpdl" but it gives an error saying.....
    package id does not match .

    although i have copied the package id and used the same id while creating new application.

    waiting for reply ,thanks

    1. Go to Manage Processes > Import Package.

      What you exported is a package, not a XPDL file.

      Hope this helps.

  5. Hi, 

    I have the next problem.  I have a designed in V2, now I upgrade to V3, but I can´t find the forms that I develope in the past version.

    You have some solution to this problem.  How I can migrate the forms from V2 to V3?


    1. Hi Victoria,

      Please see Upgrading From v2. Thanks.