Hi! All..

Is it possible to have the date picker return hh:mm (current hours:minutes) append after the date format (dd-M-yy)?

Advise needed! Thanks...

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  1. Hey there,

    Joget's default date picker element in the form builder is currently made possible using JQuery UI's date picker which implies that it does not support any time picking.

    My suggestion is that you can use other library out there like the time picker (http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/) and embed it in your form using custom html.

    Hope it helps!

    1. Hi there,

      I am planning to use library as suggested above to make my calender return hh:mm (current hours:minutes). I have downloaded it, but I am not sure which folder to put the 'xxxxxx.js' in.

      Need a guide on this.


      1. Look up in your C:\Joget-v2\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\webapps\wflow-wfweb\js