| Name | Description |
1 | | Name | Description |
URL | /user | HTTP Method | POST | Body Parameters | Parameter | Description |
id | User ID of user. | username | Username of user. | password | User's password. | firstName | User's first name. | lastName | User's last name. | email | User's email. | active | User's account active status. | timeZone | User's time zone. | locale | User's locale. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "apiUser",
"username": "apiUser",
"firstName": "API",
"lastName": "User",
"email": "",
"active": 1,
"timeZone": "",
"locale": ""
2 | | Name | Description |
URL | /user/{username} | HTTP Method | DELETE | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Sample Response |
"date": "Fri Aug 30 00:38:43 SGT 2019",
"code": "200",
"message": "Successful operation"
3 | |
Find the HOD of the department that the specified user belongs to, via username.
Name | Description |
URL | /user/findHod/{username} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "clark",
"username": "clark",
"firstName": "Clark",
"lastName": "Kent",
"email": "",
"active": 1,
"timeZone": "",
"locale": null
4 | Find subordinate by username |
Find all users that report to the specified user, via username.
Name | Description |
URL | /user/findSubordinate/{username} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "clark",
"username": "clark",
"firstName": "Clark",
"lastName": "Kent",
"email": "",
"active": 1,
"timeZone": "",
"locale": null
5 | |
Get user details of all users by default. Able to filter or sort the returned results via parameters.
Name | Description |
URL | /user/find | HTTP Method | GET | Query String Parameters | Parameter | Description |
nameFilter | Filters the response via user ID. | organizationId | Filter users that belong to an organization, via organization ID. | departmentId | Filter users that belong to a department, via department ID. | gradeId | Filter users that belong to a grade, via grade ID. | groupId | Filter users that belong to a group, via group ID. | roleId | Filter users that has such role (e.g: role_user OR role_admin). | active | Filter users by account active status. 1 for active, 0 for inactive. | sort | User data column to sort. Must be used in conjunction with "sortDescending" parameter. | sortDescending | Sort the specified "sort" parameter value in ascending or descending order. Expects a boolean value. Must be used in conjunction with "sort" parameter. | startOffset | Starting position of records to start query. Expects an integer. | pageSize | Number of results to return. Expects an integer. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "admin",
"username": "admin",
"firstName": "Admin",
"lastName": "Admin",
"email": null,
"active": 1,
"timeZone": "0",
"locale": null
6 | |
Get user details of the HOD of the department, via department ID.
Name | Description |
URL | /user/findHodByDepartment/{departmentId} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
departmentId | Department ID. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "terry",
"username": "terry",
"firstName": "Terry",
"lastName": "Berg",
"email": "",
"active": 1,
"timeZone": "",
"locale": null
7 | |
Get employment details of a user via username.
Name | Description |
URL | /user/employment/{username} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Sample Response |
"startDate": "Apr 1, 2019",
"endDate": "Aug 29, 2019",
"employeeCode": "JOGET-0098-D",
"gradeId": "G-003",
"departmentId": "D-005",
"organizationId": "ORG-001"
8 | |
Get the roles (e.g: regular user, Joget administrator) of a user via username.
Name | Description |
URL | /user/roles/{username} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "ROLE_ADMIN",
"name": "Admin",
"description": "Administrator"
"name": "ROLE_SYSADMIN",
"description": null
9 | |
Get user details of a user via username.
Name | Description |
URL | /user/{username} | HTTP Method | GET | Path Parameters | Parameter | Description |
username | Username of a Joget user. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "cat",
"username": "cat",
"firstName": "Cat",
"lastName": "Grant",
"email": "",
"active": 1,
"timeZone": "8",
"locale": null
10 | |
Update the user details of a user.
Name | Description |
URL | /user | HTTP Method | PUT | Body Parameters | The user ID specified must be of an existing user, to update its details successfully. Parameter | Description |
id | User ID of user. | username | Username of user. | password | User's password. | firstName | User's first name. | lastName | User's last name. | email | User's email. | active | User's account active status. | timeZone | User's time zone. | locale | User's locale. |
| Sample Response |
"id": "apiUser",
"username": "apiUser",
"firstName": "API",
"lastName": "User Pro",
"email": "apiUserPro@email.com",
"active": 1,
"timeZone": "8",
"locale": ""