Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
In this tutorial, we will following the guideline of developing a plugin to develop our Form Submission Statistics Generator. Please also refer to the very first tutorial How to develop a Bean Shell Hash Variable for more details steps.
We have 2 SQL Chart menus (the queries used are dependent on MySQL) to show form data submission statistics and this 2 menus always need to replicate for different form.
We can develop a Generator Plugin to ease the process to replicate the 2 SQL Chart menus for other forms.
To develop a Generator Plugin for our 2 SQL Chart menus, we can consider to provide the following as input.
2 SQL Chart menus will be added to the selected userview under a new category. One of the menu will show the monthly submission chart and another one will show the daily submission chart based on the year and month filter.
First, we can do build our 2 SQL Chart menus in one of the existing userview. Then, copy the JSON definition of the category which contains our 2 SQL Chart menus form the "ADVANCED: JSON Definition" on the bottom of the Userview Builder.
We will get our JSON definition of the category as following. Please note that the queries used in the 2 SQL Chart menus are dependent on MySQL database.
{ "className": "org.joget.apps.userview.model.UserviewCategory", "properties": { "id": "category-8722A52FFBB64D058E2CD41174922807", "label": "Proposal Form Statistics" }, "menus": [{ "className": "org.joget.plugin.enterprise.SqlChartMenu", "properties": { "id": "807F165BFA9C4BB589E5B52E4C071250", "customId": "crm_proposal_monthly", "label": "Monthly Submission Chart", "chartType": "bar", "title": "Proposal Form Monthly Submission Chart", "categoryAxisLabel": "Month", "xAxisDisplayAS": "", "valueAxisLabel": "Number", "yaxisPrefix": "", "showLegend": "", "showValueLabel": "true", "stack": "", "horizontal": "", "chartWidth": "100%", "chartHeight": "80%", "colors": "", "query": "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(m.monthYear, '%c-%Y'),'%b %y') as monthYear, COUNT(fd.dateCreated) AS 'Number'\nFROM \n(\n SELECT my.month, CONCAT(my.month, '-', IF(('#requestParam.year?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{4}$'), '#requestParam.year?sql#' , '#date.yyyy?sql#')) AS monthYear FROM (\n SELECT 1 AS month UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9 UNION SELECT 10 UNION SELECT 11 UNION SELECT 12\n ) my\n) m\nLEFT JOIN \n(\n\t select dateCreated FROM app_fd_crm_proposal\n) fd\nON m.monthYear=DATE_FORMAT(fd.dateCreated,'%c-%Y')\nGROUP BY monthYear\nORDER BY m.month", "customHeader": "<div class=\"filter\">\n <form action=\"?\" method=\"GET\">\n <label>Year: <\/label><input name=\"year\" value=\"#requestParam.year?html#\"\/>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Show\"\/>\n <\/form>\n<\/div>\n<script>\n $(function(){\n if ($(\"[name='year']\").val() === \"\") {\n $(\"[name='year']\").val(\"#date.yyyy#\");\n }\n });\n<\/script>\n<br\/>\n<br\/>", "customFooter": "", "datasource": "default", "keyName": "" } }, { "className": "org.joget.plugin.enterprise.SqlChartMenu", "properties": { "id": "39E2163319D84FD693D164D92FA93C06", "customId": "crm_proposal_daily", "label": "Daily Submission Chart", "chartType": "bar", "title": "Proposal Form Daily Submission Chart", "categoryAxisLabel": "Date", "xAxisDisplayAS": "", "valueAxisLabel": "Number", "yaxisPrefix": "", "showLegend": "", "showValueLabel": "true", "stack": "", "horizontal": "true", "chartWidth": "100%", "chartHeight": "80%", "colors": "", "query": "SELECT d.date_field, COUNT(fd.dateCreated) AS 'Number'\nFROM\n(\n SELECT\n MAKEDATE(IF(('#requestParam.year?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{4}$'), '#requestParam.year?sql#' , '#date.yyyy?sql#'),1) +\n INTERVAL (IF(('#requestParam.month?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{2}$'), '#requestParam.month?sql#' , '#date.MM?sql#') -1) MONTH +\n INTERVAL daynum DAY date_field\n FROM\n (\n SELECT t*10+u daynum\n FROM\n (SELECT 0 t UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3) A,\n (SELECT 0 u UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3\n UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7\n UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9) B\n ORDER BY daynum\n ) AA\n) d\nLEFT JOIN \n(\n\t select dateCreated FROM app_fd_crm_proposal\n) fd\nON d.date_field=DATE_FORMAT(fd.dateCreated,'%Y-%m-%d')\nWHERE DATE_FORMAT(d.date_field,'%m') = IF(('#requestParam.month?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{2}$'), '#requestParam.month?sql#' , '#date.MM?sql#')\nGROUP BY d.date_field\nORDER BY d.date_field desc", "customHeader": "<div class=\"filter\">\n <form action=\"?\" method=\"GET\">\n <label>Year: <\/label><input name=\"year\" value=\"#requestParam.year?html#\"\/> \n <label>Month: <\/label><select name=\"month\"\/>\n <option value=\"01\">Jan<\/option>\n <option value=\"02\">Feb<\/option>\n <option value=\"03\">Mar<\/option>\n <option value=\"04\">Apr<\/option>\n <option value=\"05\">May<\/option>\n <option value=\"06\">Jun<\/option>\n <option value=\"07\">Jul<\/option>\n <option value=\"08\">Aug<\/option>\n <option value=\"09\">Sep<\/option>\n <option value=\"10\">Oct<\/option>\n <option value=\"11\">Nov<\/option>\n <option value=\"12\">Dec<\/option>\n <\/select>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Show\"\/>\n <\/form>\n<\/div>\n<script>\n $(function(){\n if ($(\"[name='year']\").val() === \"\") {\n $(\"[name='year']\").val(\"#date.yyyy#\");\n }\n if ($(\"[name='month']\").val() !== \"#requestParam.month?javascript#\" \n && '#requestParam.month?javascript#' !== \"\"\n && $(\"[name='month'] option[value='#requestParam.month?javascript#']\").length > 0 ) {\n $(\"[name='month']\").val('#requestParam.month?javascript#');\n } else {\n $(\"[name='month']\").val(\"#date.MM#\");\n }\n });\n<\/script>\n<br\/>\n<br\/>", "customFooter": "", "datasource": "default", "keyName": "" } }] }
After that, we can utilize the GeneratorUtil to add the category JSON definition to our selected userview JSON definition.
We need to always have our Joget Workflow Source Code ready and builded by following this guideline.
The following of this tutorial is prepared with a Macbook Pro and Joget Source Code version 5.0.0. Please refer to Guideline for developing a plugin for other platform command.
Let said our folder directory as following.
- Home - joget - plugins - jw-community -5.0.0
The "plugins" directory is the folder we will create and store all our plugins and the "jw-community" directory is where the Joget Workflow Source code stored.
Run the following command to create a maven project in "plugins" directory.
cd joget/plugins/ ~/joget/jw-community/5.0.0/wflow-plugin-archetype/ org.joget.tutorial form_submission_statistics_generator 5.0.0
Then, the shell script will ask us to key in a version for your plugin and ask us for confirmation before generate the maven project.
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 5.0.0 [INFO] Using property: package = org.joget.tutorial Confirm properties configuration: groupId: org.joget.tutorial artifactId: form_submission_statistics_generator version: 5.0.0 package: org.joget.tutorial Y: : y
We should get "BUILD SUCCESS" message shown in our terminal and a "form_submission_statistics_generator" folder created in "plugins" folder.
Open the maven project with your favour IDE. I will be using NetBeans.
Create a "FormSubmissionStatisticsGenerator" class under "org.joget.tutorial" package. Then, extend the class with org.joget.apps.generator.model.GeneratorPlugin abstract class. Please refer to Generator Plugin.
As usual, we have to implement all the abstract methods. We will using AppPluginUtil.getMessage method to support i18n and using constant variable MESSAGE_PATH for message resource bundle directory.
Then, we have to do a UI for admin user to provide inputs for our plugin. In getPropertyOptions method, we already specify our Plugin Properties Options definition file is locate at "/properties/formSubmissionStatisticsGenerator.json". Let us create a directory "resources/properties" under "form_submission_statistics_generator/src/main" directory. After create the directory, create a file named "formSubmissionStatisticsGenerator.json" in the "properties" folder.
In the properties definition options file, we will need to provide options as below. Please note that we can use "@@message.key@@" syntax to support i18n in our properties options.
[{ title : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.config@@', properties : [ { name : 'userviewId', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.userview@@', type : 'selectbox', value: '[default_userviewId]', options_ajax : '[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/json/console/app[APP_PATH]/userview/options' }] }, { title : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.advanced@@', properties : [ { label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.label.options@@', type : 'header' }, { name : 'monthlyChartTitle', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyChartTitle@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyChartTitle.value@@' }, { name : 'monthlyXAxisLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyXAxisLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyXAxisLabel.value@@' }, { name : 'dailyChartTitle', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyChartTitle@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyChartTitle.value@@' }, { name : 'dailyXAxisLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyXAxisLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyXAxisLabel.value@@' }, { name : 'yAxisLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yAxisLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yAxisLabel.value@@' }, { name : 'yearLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yearLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yearLabel.value@@' }, { name : 'monthLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthLabel.value@@' }, { name : 'showLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.showLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.showLabel.value@@' }, { label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.useriewMenu.options@@', type : 'header' }, { name : 'categoryLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.categoryLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.categoryLabel.value@@' }, { name : 'monthlyMenuId', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyMenuId@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', regex_validation : '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', validation_message : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.menuId.invalidId@@', value : '[formId]_monthly' }, { name : 'monthlyMenuLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyMenuLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyMenuLabel.value@@' }, { name : 'dailyMenuId', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyMenuId@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', regex_validation : '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', validation_message : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.menuId.invalidId@@', value : '[formId]_daily' }, { name : 'dailyMenuLabel', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyMenuLabel@@', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyMenuLabel.value@@' }, { label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.createUserviewOptions@@', type : 'header', control_field: 'userviewId', control_value: '', control_use_regex: 'false', }, { name : 'userviewNewId', label : '', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '', regex_validation : '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', validation_message : '', control_field: 'userviewId', control_value: '', control_use_regex: 'false' }, { name : 'userviewName', label : '', type : 'textfield', required : 'true', value : '', control_field: 'userviewId', control_value: '', control_use_regex: 'false' }, { name : 'userviewDesc', label : '@@generator.formSubmissionStatistics.userview.description@@', type : 'textarea', rows : "3", control_field: 'userviewId', control_value: '', control_use_regex: 'false' }] }]
public String getPropertyOptions() { String options = AppUtil.readPluginResource(getClassName(), "/properties/formSubmissionStatisticsGenerator.json", null, true, MESSAGE_PATH); //populate value like [formName] and [formId] options = GeneratorUtil.populateFormMeta(options, getFormId(), getAppDefinition()); //populate value of [default_userviewId] options = options.replace("[default_userviewId]", GeneratorUtil.getFirstAvailableUserviewId(getAppDefinition())); return options; }
Once we done the properties option to collect input, we can work on the main method of the plugin which is format method.
@Override public GeneratorResult generate() { GeneratorResult result = new GeneratorResult(); AppDefinition appDef = getAppDefinition(); try { //get userview UserviewDefinitionDao userviewDefinitionDao = (UserviewDefinitionDao) AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("userviewDefinitionDao"); UserviewDefinition userviewDef = null; String json = null; String userviewId = getPropertyString("userviewId"); String userviewName; String userviewDesc; if (userviewId != null && !userviewId.isEmpty()) { userviewDef = userviewDefinitionDao.loadById(userviewId, appDef); } if (userviewDef != null) { userviewName = userviewDef.getName(); userviewDesc = userviewDef.getDescription(); json = userviewDef.getJson(); } else { userviewId = getPropertyString("userviewNewId"); int count = 0; while (isExist(userviewId, userviewDefinitionDao)) { count++; userviewId = userviewId + count; } userviewName = getPropertyString("userviewName"); userviewDesc = getPropertyString("userviewDesc"); } if (json == null || json.isEmpty()) { //create a new userview json json = GeneratorUtil.createNewUserviewJson(userviewId, userviewName, userviewDesc); } //add the category json to userview json json = GeneratorUtil.addCategoryJsonToUserviewJson(getCategoryJson(appDef), json); //Store the userview json if (userviewDef != null) { userviewDef.setJson(json); userviewDefinitionDao.update(userviewDef); }else { userviewDef = new UserviewDefinition(); userviewDef.setJson(json); userviewDef.setId(userviewId); userviewDef.setName(userviewName); userviewDef.setAppDefinition(appDef); userviewDefinitionDao.add(userviewDef); //Set current published version final AppDefinition currentAppDef = appDef; TransactionTemplate transactionTemplate = (TransactionTemplate)AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("transactionTemplate"); transactionTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInTransaction(TransactionStatus ts) { AppService appService = (AppService)AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("appService"); appService.publishApp(currentAppDef.getId(), currentAppDef.getVersion().toString()); return null; } }); } //show message to continue edit String editLink = WorkflowUtil.getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath() + "/web/console/app/"+appDef.getAppId()+"/"+appDef.getVersion()+"/userview/builder/"+userviewId; String msg = AppPluginUtil.getMessage("generator.formSubmissionStatistics.msg.success", getClassName(), MESSAGE_PATH); msg = msg.replace("[url]", editLink); result.setMessage(msg); } catch (Exception e) { result.setError(true); result.setMessage(AppPluginUtil.getMessage("generator.formSubmissionStatistics.msg.error", getClassName(), MESSAGE_PATH)); LogUtil.error(getClassName(), e, "Not able to generate the menus"); } return result; } /** * Retrieves the category JSON definition * @param appDef * @return */ protected String getCategoryJson(AppDefinition appDef) { Collection<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); AppService appService = (AppService)AppUtil.getApplicationContext().getBean("appService"); String tabelName = appService.getFormTableName(appDef, getFormId()); args.add(UuidGenerator.getInstance().getUuid()); //category id args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("categoryLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //category label args.add(UuidGenerator.getInstance().getUuid()); //monthly menu uuid args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("monthlyMenuId"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly menu custom id args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("monthlyMenuLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly menu label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("monthlyChartTitle"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly chart title args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("monthlyXAxisLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly x-axis label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("yAxisLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly y-axis label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(tabelName, StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly form table name args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("yearLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly year label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("showLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //monthly show button label args.add(UuidGenerator.getInstance().getUuid()); //daily menu uuid args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("dailyMenuId"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily menu custom id args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("dailyMenuLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily menu label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("dailyChartTitle"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily chart title args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("dailyXAxisLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily x-axis label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("yAxisLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily y-axis label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(tabelName, StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily form table name args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("yearLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily year label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("monthLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily month label args.add(StringUtil.escapeString(getPropertyString("showLabel"), StringUtil.TYPE_JSON, null)); //daily show button label String json = AppUtil.readPluginResource(getClass().getName(), "/resources/category.json", args.toArray(), true, null); return json; } /** * Checks for a userview is already exist * @param id * @param userviewDefinitionDao * @return */ protected boolean isExist(String id, UserviewDefinitionDao userviewDefinitionDao) { Long count = userviewDefinitionDao.count("AND id = ?", new String[]{id}, getAppDefinition()); return count > 0; }
In the getCategoryJson method, we will retrieve the category JSON definition form "/resources/category.json" file. Let us create a directory "resources/resources" under "form_submission_statistics_generator/src/main" directory. After create the directory, create a file named "category.json" in the "resources" folder. Then, copy the category JSON definition we created previously and paste it inside this file. We will need to replace some of the hardcoded value as variable and remember to escape those existing "%" to "%%" as the AppUtil.readPluginResource using String.format for injects value into the file.
{ "className": "org.joget.apps.userview.model.UserviewCategory", "properties": { "id": "category-%s", "label": "%s" }, "menus": [{ "className": "org.joget.plugin.enterprise.SqlChartMenu", "properties": { "id": "%s", "customId": "%s", "label": "%s", "chartType": "bar", "title": "%s", "categoryAxisLabel": "%s", "xAxisDisplayAS": "", "valueAxisLabel": "%s", "yaxisPrefix": "", "showLegend": "", "showValueLabel": "true", "stack": "", "horizontal": "", "chartWidth": "100%%", "chartHeight": "80%%", "colors": "", "query": "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(m.monthYear, '%%c-%%Y'),'%%b %%y') as monthYear, COUNT(fd.dateCreated) AS 'Number'\nFROM \n(\n SELECT my.month, CONCAT(my.month, '-', IF(('#requestParam.year?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{4}$'), '#requestParam.year?sql#' , '#date.yyyy?sql#')) AS monthYear FROM (\n SELECT 1 AS month UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9 UNION SELECT 10 UNION SELECT 11 UNION SELECT 12\n ) my\n) m\nLEFT JOIN \n(\n\t select dateCreated FROM app_fd_%s\n) fd\nON m.monthYear=DATE_FORMAT(fd.dateCreated,'%%c-%%Y')\nGROUP BY monthYear\nORDER BY m.month", "customHeader": "<div class=\"filter\">\n <form action=\"?\" method=\"GET\">\n <label>%s: <\/label><input name=\"year\" value=\"#requestParam.year?html#\"\/>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"%s\"\/>\n <\/form>\n<\/div>\n<script>\n $(function(){\n if ($(\"[name='year']\").val() === \"\") {\n $(\"[name='year']\").val(\"#date.yyyy#\");\n }\n });\n<\/script>\n<br\/>\n<br\/>", "customFooter": "", "datasource": "default", "keyName": "" } }, { "className": "org.joget.plugin.enterprise.SqlChartMenu", "properties": { "id": "%s", "customId": "%s", "label": "%s", "chartType": "bar", "title": "%s", "categoryAxisLabel": "%s", "xAxisDisplayAS": "", "valueAxisLabel": "%s", "yaxisPrefix": "", "showLegend": "", "showValueLabel": "true", "stack": "", "horizontal": "true", "chartWidth": "100%%", "chartHeight": "80%%", "colors": "", "query": "SELECT d.date_field, COUNT(fd.dateCreated) AS 'Number'\nFROM\n(\n SELECT\n MAKEDATE(IF(('#requestParam.year?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{4}$'), '#requestParam.year?sql#' , '#date.yyyy?sql#'),1) +\n INTERVAL (IF(('#requestParam.month?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{2}$'), '#requestParam.month?sql#' , '#date.MM?sql#') -1) MONTH +\n INTERVAL daynum DAY date_field\n FROM\n (\n SELECT t*10+u daynum\n FROM\n (SELECT 0 t UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3) A,\n (SELECT 0 u UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3\n UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7\n UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9) B\n ORDER BY daynum\n ) AA\n) d\nLEFT JOIN \n(\n\t select dateCreated FROM app_fd_%s\n) fd\nON d.date_field=DATE_FORMAT(fd.dateCreated,'%%Y-%%m-%%d')\nWHERE DATE_FORMAT(d.date_field,'%%m') = IF(('#requestParam.month?sql#' REGEXP '^[0-9]{2}$'), '#requestParam.month?sql#' , '#date.MM?sql#')\nGROUP BY d.date_field\nORDER BY d.date_field desc", "customHeader": "<div class=\"filter\">\n <form action=\"?\" method=\"GET\">\n <label>%s: <\/label><input name=\"year\" value=\"#requestParam.year?html#\"\/> \n <label>%s: <\/label><select name=\"month\"\/>\n <option value=\"01\">Jan<\/option>\n <option value=\"02\">Feb<\/option>\n <option value=\"03\">Mar<\/option>\n <option value=\"04\">Apr<\/option>\n <option value=\"05\">May<\/option>\n <option value=\"06\">Jun<\/option>\n <option value=\"07\">Jul<\/option>\n <option value=\"08\">Aug<\/option>\n <option value=\"09\">Sep<\/option>\n <option value=\"10\">Oct<\/option>\n <option value=\"11\">Nov<\/option>\n <option value=\"12\">Dec<\/option>\n <\/select>\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"%s\"\/>\n <\/form>\n<\/div>\n<script>\n $(function(){\n if ($(\"[name='year']\").val() === \"\") {\n $(\"[name='year']\").val(\"#date.yyyy#\");\n }\n if ($(\"[name='month']\").val() !== \"#requestParam.month?javascript#\" \n && '#requestParam.month?javascript#' !== \"\"\n && $(\"[name='month'] option[value='#requestParam.month?javascript#']\").length > 0 ) {\n $(\"[name='month']\").val('#requestParam.month?javascript#');\n } else {\n $(\"[name='month']\").val(\"#date.MM#\");\n }\n });\n<\/script>\n<br\/>\n<br\/>", "customFooter": "", "datasource": "default", "keyName": "" } }] }
Our plugin is using javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest and javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse class, so we will need to add jsp-api library to our POM file.
<!-- Change plugin specific dependencies here --> <dependency> <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId> <artifactId>jsp-api</artifactId> <version>2.0</version> </dependency> <!-- End change plugin specific dependencies here -->
We are using i18n message key in getLabel and getDescription method. We also used i18n message key in our properties options definition as well. So, we will need to create a message resource bundle properties file for our plugin.
Create directory "resources/messages" under "form_submission_statistics_generator/src/main" directory. Then, create a "" file in the folder. In the properties file, let add all the message keys and its label as below.
org.joget.tutorial.FormSubmissionStatisticsGenerator.pluginLabel=Generate Form Submission Statistics org.joget.tutorial.FormSubmissionStatisticsGenerator.pluginDesc=Generate 2 SQL Chart Menus for form submission statistics generator.formSubmissionStatistics.explanation=Create 2 SQL Chart Menus based on the current form for submission statistics. Note: This is dependent for MySQL database. generator.formSubmissionStatistics.config=Options generator.formSubmissionStatistics.userview=Userview generator.formSubmissionStatistics.advanced=Advanced generator.formSubmissionStatistics.label.options=Label Options generator.formSubmissionStatistics.categoryLabel=Category Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.categoryLabel.value=[formName] Statistics generator.formSubmissionStatistics.menuId.invalidId=Only alpha-numeric and underscore characters allowed generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyMenuId=Monthly Menu id generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyMenuLabel=Montly Menu Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyMenuLabel.value=Monthly Submission Chart generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyChartTitle=Montly Chart Title generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyChartTitle.value=[formName] Monthly Submission Chart generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyXAxisLabel=Montly X-axis Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthlyXAxisLabel.value=Month generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyMenuId=Daily Menu Id generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyMenuLabel=Daily Menu Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyMenuLabel.value=Daily Submission Chart generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyChartTitle=Daily Chart Title generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyChartTitle.value=[formName] Daily Submission Chart generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyXAxisLabel=Daily X-axis Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.dailyXAxisLabel.value=Date generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yAxisLabel=Y-axis Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yAxisLabel.value=Number generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yearLabel=Year Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.yearLabel.value=Year generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthLabel=Month Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.monthLabel.value=Month generator.formSubmissionStatistics.showLabel=Show Label generator.formSubmissionStatistics.showLabel.value=Show generator.formSubmissionStatistics.useriewMenu.options=Userview Label Options generator.formSubmissionStatistics.createUserviewOptions=Create New Userview Options ID alpha-numeric and underscore characters allowed Name[appName] generator.formSubmissionStatistics.userview.description=Userview Description generator.formSubmissionStatistics.msg.success=Menus generated. Click <a href="[url]" target="_blank">here</a> to continue edit in Userview Builder. generator.formSubmissionStatistics.msg.error=Error during generating Form Submission Statistics Menus!
We will have to register our plugin class in Activator class (Auto generated in the same class package) to tell Felix Framework that this is a plugin.
public void start(BundleContext context) { registrationList = new ArrayList<ServiceRegistration>(); //Register plugin here registrationList.add(context.registerService(FormSubmissionStatisticsGenerator.class.getName(), new FormSubmissionStatisticsGenerator(), null)); }
Let build our plugin. Once the building process is done, we will found a "form_submission_statistics_generator-5.0.0.jar" file is created under "form_submission_statistics_generator/target" directory.
Then, let upload the plugin jar to Manage Plugins. After upload the jar file, double check the plugin is uploaded and activated correctly.
Now, we can open one for our form in Form Builder for testing the generator. Click on the "Generate App" button on right top of the Form Builder. Please refer to Generate App.
Let us check the properties page for "Advanced Generator".
After the generation process is done.
A new category is added to our userview.
The SQL chart menus will shown as following.
You can download the source code from
To download the ready-to-use plugin jar, please find it in