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The AWS Cognito Users Sync Tool is designed to synchronize users and groups from an AWS Cognito user pool. AWS Cognito is a fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables you to manage users, groups and other services.

This plugin source code is available in JogetOSS repository at

AWS Cognito Users Sync Tool Properties

Configure AWS Cognito Users Sync Tool

OrganizationJoget organization.

Choose the AWS region where you set up AWS Cognito pool from the list of AWS regions.

Access Key

AWS Access Key. More information on how to retrieve the key.

Secret Key

AWS Access Key. More information on how to retrieve the key.

User Pool ID

User pool ID that is setup in AWS Cognito.

AWS Cognito Setup Process

Retrieving Access Key and Secret Access Key

1. Login to AWS Console

2. Right up corner, click on Security Credentials.

3. At Access Keys section, click on Create access key

4. Save your Access Key and Secret Access Key to configure the plugin later.

Getting into AWS Cognito

1. Search for Cognito in the Search bar, and select Cognito.

Create AWS Cognito User Pool

1. Create a User Pool. You can create your user pool based on your preferences. Note down the Region to be used for the plugin.

2. Save your User Pool ID to configure the plugin later.

3. If you missed out the Region, you can find it at Messaging section after clicking into the user pool.

Create AWS Cognito User

1. After clicking into the User Pool, we can create a User  


2. Click on the newly created user and modify the User Attributes

3. Add given_name and family_name as the attributes, this will be saved in the database for the plugin later on.

Create AWS Cognito Group

1. Create a group.

2. Assign a user to the group. Click into the user and click on Add user to group.

AWS Cognito Demo Details

1. Now we have 2 users, Demo User 1 and Demo User 2. We have 1 group.

Demo User 1 - Group 1

Demo User 2 - No group

Sync Process

This tool can be configured in scheduler to run daily. In this demo we will run the tool upon form submission.

When we submit the form, the tool will run and the user will be sync into the configured Joget organization with group and users from AWS Cognito.

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