Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
On your Windows command prompt, run this command to create a new OpenShift App.
We will call the app as jogetv5. You can change to a name that you prefer. We are installing 3 cartridges (tomcat7 mysql-5.5 phpmyadmin) on the creation of the App.
rhc app-create jogetv5 tomcat7 mysql-5.5 phpmyadmin
SSH into your App. If you need help getting SSH to work on Windows, please see Remote Connection (SSH).
In your PuTTY SSH session, Execute the following command.
A line will be printed out. Copy the value.
echo ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR} /var/lib/openshift/115e25277628e1c35b000238/app-root/data/
Going back to your Windows command prompt, copy the value earlier and put into Dwflow.home variable the command below. Do remember to put your App name at the end too.
rhc env set JAVA_OPTS_EXT="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dwflow.home=/var/lib/openshift/115e25277628e1c35b000238/app-root/data/" -a jogetv5