Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Usually, we design a process to solve the main business problem, like in the example shown below. We exclude explicit tools for sending out email notifications to avoid complicating the process flow design.
The User Notification plugin is used to address this issue.
Figure 1: Typical Process Design Flow
Go to App Composer in your app.
Go to Set Plugin Default Properties.
Select User Notification.
In the SMTP Settings tab, configure the email server as required. Sometimes, using gmail might cause problems such as not being able to send email. In that case, if one still insists in using gmail, they may opt to set up an app generated password instead of using the gmail password, or swap to using hotmail instead. The Host for hotmail is , the Port is 587 , the Security is TLS .
In the Configure User Notification tab, customize your email template as needed. It should be a generic email template as it will be used for all activities under your app.
Under the Notification Link section, define the assignment link that will be shown at the end of the email message.
Link to UI Inbox
If you want to link it to your UI Inbox, get the absolute URL to the inbox and key it in the URL field. Type "activityId" in the Parameter Name field and choose "As URL Request Parameter" in the Parameter Passover Method select box.
In the last tab, you may select activities that you would like to exclude from Task Notification.
Note: The User Notification plugin is designed for all activities in an app and not just for a selected few, but only one User Notification plugin can be configured per app. Nevertheless, it is possible for you to manually handle the notification for a specific activity by placing a tool after that activity in your process design, and then excluding it in the Activity Exclusion list in the User Notification plugin.