Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
在此, 您可以获得平台和用户授权 (License) 信息.
名称 | 说明 |
默认用户界面 (Default Userview) | 定义用户进入平台时默认的应用界面(e.g. ). New Feature 这是 Joget Workflow v6 的新功能. |
登录页面 (Landing Page) | 定义默认的登录页. |
系统时区 (System Time Zone) | 默认, Joget 使用服务器的时区. 您可以根据需要修改. |
| 默认, Joget使用服务器的语言. 您可以根据需要修改. (相关参考: Manage Messages) |
默认, Joget使用" dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm aa " 您可以根据需要修改. | |
如果勾选, Joget将使用上面 系统所在地 对应的日期格式, 覆盖上面 | |
允许最终用户通过 个人设置 选择自己的语言设置. | |
用户语言备选项(语言代码由","分隔) | 设置供最终用户选择的语言项 (例如:en_US;zh_CN). ("启用用户语言自助选择(Enable User Locale Selection)" 必须勾选.) |
从右到左显示表单 | 启用 RTL 布局. |
CSS URL(CSS地址) | 通过客户化CSS替换系统默认的管理员工作台界面. 默认 CSS 文件位于 /jw/css/v3.css) |
客户化CSS | 基于默认CSS内嵌的 CSS . |
决定是否要渲染数据列表中的HTML. |
Name | Description |
Process Deadline Checker Interval (in seconds, 0 to disable) | Interval checking in seconds for the Deadline elements. Disabled by default. |
Name | Description |
Master Login credential for API call. Please see JSON API Authentication. | |
Master Login credential for API call. Please see JSON API Authentication. | |
Uploaded File Storage Base Path | System path to store uploaded users' files. |
Workflow Designer Base URL. Defaulted to current Joget server path. | |
Delete process instance data on when process instance comes to an end. | |
SLA indicator level. Please see Defining SLA Indicators. Default: 20. | |
SLA indicator level. Please see Defining SLA Indicators. Default: 50. | |
Default: No Limit. The limit is applied on individual file. Example, if the value set here is 1 (1MB) then one may upload multiple files in a single form with total exceeding 1MB but individually, each file must not exceed 1MB. | |
Disable Performance Analyzer. | |
Minimum threshold before showing the Performance Analyzer information. | |
API Domain Whitelist (Separated by ';') | Domain whitelist to allow API calls to Joget Workflow. Example "localhost;;”, or "*" to allow from everywhere (the behavior from previous releases). |