Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi, I'm using Joget Workflow 2.0.1 build 705 integrated with an external web application, I'm already using the JSON API and it's great all is working fine, but now I need to pupulate a dropdownlist with the Activities of a process when I select a Process first (cascade), so my question is if there any function that I can use for it, or If I can make that query into the database, in which table can I find that information???
I'm using Oracle 10g as database.
Please let me know, your answer as soon as posible I'm running out of time.
Thanks and Regards.
1 Comment
Arun Kumar
Hi Marvin,
There's a script readily available to embed the process list and Inbox in a table, check this out -
There's no script to list the Activities of a selected process but you can use the JSON api to get the list of running activities of a process
You can check out the JSON api page in Knowledge base -
Also you can get the activities list from the 'shkactivitydata' table. Let us know if you have any questions.