I have the problem of linking data between 2 form. The data that added show in the list not correctly.


I have two form

1st form use to register the name of requester.

2nd form assign the document to the requester through select box that bind to first form.

When i test the application in user view. The list show not correctly as seen in the picture below. The Requester becoming some code which actually should be Joe and joejoe same as title column. i have no idea how to solve or what i have to config.

Best regards.

  • No labels


  1. Hi there,

    This is correct as the requester column should hold the ID of the referencing table rather than storing the label/name. What you can do here is to make use of the formatter feature in this requester column in the datalist builder. In the formatter, select the referencing table and the column that you would like to lookup to.

    Try it out and let us know. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for the information. I'm also having trouble regarding this. It can really help me.

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