Hello Everyone,

I know how to make a FORM SECTION hidden state dependent on a form element's value.

Is it possible to make a FORM ELEMENT within a section hidden unless a different FORM ELEMENT is selected - all within the same FORM SECTION?

EX: I have a radio button for "Pay Type". It has "hourly" or "salary". I'd like an appropriate text field to appear depending on which radio button was selected - all within the same form section. Possible?


  • No labels


  1. hi Greg,

    It is not possible currently but I believe what you want to do is still achievable using Section visibility control right? You just need to remove the "Label" of Section, it will look like still in a same section.



    1. I attempted this work-around earlier today and somehow the radio button on the section that I was using for the variable changed to a state where it could not be selected.

      In my example above, "hourly" could not be selected (was greyed out).

      I am wondering if I need to know more about the different form binders and workflow variables...

      I actually was working within the same section - the different section worked. (I thought I'd attempted it; I hadn't)