Hi all,

in the Bean Shell Load Binder code of my form I am trying to read the value of a workflow variable. The variable was set in a previous form.

The code which is working in a Bean Shell Tool, is not working in the Load Binder:

WorkflowManager wm = (WorkflowManager) pluginManager.getBean("workflowManager");
String value = wm.getProcessVariable(workflowAssignment.getProcessId(), "workflow_variable_name");

Do you have any idea, how to get the value in the Load Binder?



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  1. Hi there,

    Would you mind showing us what kind of errors that you are getting (eg. from the server log)? This would help us a lot in helping you to troubleshoot.

    You can also try to make use of workflow hash variable (eg. #variable.status#) in your coding. See v3 Hash Variables


    1. Hi Hugo,

      it works with the hash variable. Thank you for your help!



  2. Hi,

    I'm trying to write a workflow variable from the BeanShellStoreBinder:

    WorkflowManager wm = (WorkflowManager) pluginManager.getBean("workflowManager"); wm.activityVariable(workflowAssignment.getActivityId(),"output", something);

    However, this is not working, as pluginManager and workflowAssignment are not bound in this context. Is there another way? The BeanShellStoreBinder reads the form data, constructs a Java object from the data and tries to set it to the workflow variable for later use.
