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The following are the steps and issues when installing Joget DX on other Java EE application servers. Please do contribute to this article with your experiences.

Installation on Weblogic 12c (

  1. Set the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable:

    export JAVA_OPTIONS="-javaagent:path_to/wflow/wflow-cluster.jar -javaagent:path_to/aspectjweaver-1.8.5.jar -javaagent:path_to/wflow/glowroot/glowroot.jar"
  2. Deploy the jw.war file in the domains/base_domain/deploy/autodeploy directory

Installation on WebSphere Liberty V20.0.0.1 with Java EE 8 Web Profile:

  1. Set the JVM_ARGS environment variable:

    export JVM_ARGS="-javaagent:path_to/wflow/wflow-cluster.jar -javaagent:path_to/aspectjweaver-1.8.5.jar -javaagent:path_to/wflow/glowroot/glowroot.jar"
  2. Deploy the jw.war file in the usr/servers/defaultServer/dropins directory

Installation on WebSphere Liberty V19.0.0.8

  1. Set the JVM_ARGS environment variable:

    export JVM_ARGS="-javaagent:path_to/wflow/wflow-cluster.jar -javaagent:path_to/aspectjweaver-1.8.5.jar -javaagent:path_to/wflow/glowroot/glowroot.jar"
  2. Enable websocket features (disabled by default) by adding <feature>websocket-1.1</feature> in usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml e.g. 

    <!-- Enable features -->
  3. Deploy the jw.war file in the usr/servers/defaultServer/dropins directory

Installation on JBoss EAP 7 (7.2.0)

  1. Set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable:

    export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:path_to/wflow/wflow-cluster.jar -javaagent:path_to/aspectjweaver-1.8.5.jar -javaagent:path_to/wflow/glowroot/glowroot.jar -Dorg.aspectj.tracing.enabled=false -Dorg.aspectj.tracing.factory=default"
  2. Configure standalone/configuration/standalone.xml to prevent session locking ( by removing the locking and transaction tags:

    <cache-container name="web" default-cache="passivation" module="org.wildfly.clustering.web.infinispan">
        <local-cache name="passivation">
            <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
            <transaction mode="BATCH"/> 
            <file-store passivation="true" purge="false"/>
  3. Deploy the jw.war file in the standalone/deployments directory

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