Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi, there is a note in Joget v6 to DX Upgrade Notes#ImportantNoteAboutJogetDXNewProcessRecordIDUsingUUID about this change. There is also a similar question at How to lin table record id and process id.
Hello team, good morning. I'm doing (just now :)) my first development in DX. I found one feature that was a bit disorienting for me. I found that in the table linked to a process form, the ID that is saved no longer corresponds to the process ID but to the Record ID. However, to do, for example, a performance analysis, I need that correspondence between the two IDs since the shkactivities table stores the process id. Where do I find such correspondence?
Data table: