
I have a situation where a select box will use a JDBC Binder but the parameters ( 2 of them) come from the values of 2 other (preceding) select boxes on the form. I need help .. this is during the interactive, ie cascading drop-down lists - ie. this is before the form is saved

i tried to passing both values

  1. via form data hash-variables ( hash-variables - DOES NOT WORK
  2. via grouping / control grouping via 2nd field id - after 1 first field value is sent via hash.variables - DOES NOT WORK
  1. Daniel Fung


    Thanks for the feedback, writing code means 2 things to me - 

    if its JDBC code - its still an issue to get 2 or more parameters to the code

    if its java/beanshell code - iits still an issue to get 2 or more parameters to the code

    if its a plugin - <>, this will take a complete setup/on-ramp of plugin development and testing .. i found the link below when searching but i think i need it to be 1. ajax cascade enabled and 2. supported

    Filter SelectBox Options from Multiple Dependency Fields

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1 answer


    As far as I know, "Field ID to control available options based on grouping" takes only 1 field therefore such feature you are trying to implement is not possible going by this feature. Dynamic Cascading Drop-Down List

    I think you need to write your own custom code to achieve this.

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