Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Check if the database connection URL, port and other database credentials are correct in the configuration file.
Also verify if you are using correct JDBC driver.
I am using the default database connection. It was working yesterday . Here are the configuration settings if you want to look:
Check if you can access the port 3307 from appserver.
Is this database jwdb up and running? Are you able to connect with this database?
Even I can't connect to the database.
Anything in the server log that shows up?
You might be missing CSRF token. Make sure the form is loaded completely before submitting it.
How to get that CSRF token?
This is what I got in server log:
ERROR 04 Mar. 2021 10:31:29 org.joget.commons.spring.web.CustomContextLoaderListener - ===== Error initializing WebApplicationContext =====
I got following problem. Can someone help me to fix it?
Sorry, access is forbidden for security reasons.
Please refresh the previous form before submitting it.
Security Violation (Code 403)