Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Is all the data available in the form? (I presume you are in a form) Then you can just write some javascript to match the selected month with the data available.
If not, you can try to pass the selected month value to a AJAX Subform then in the target form, retrieve the number accordingly.
Yes i am picking the date in a form, i prefer JavaScript as i have little experience and there is lot of help available on the web
I'm a complete noob to JoGet, any chance you can point me how to with either JavaScript or AJAX SubForm?
when Planned Month (month) is selected, Qty This Month (qty_Month) to show total count of records per selected month
This is Main Form
Thank you
I have a date picker named month, I'm trying to create custom html to count number of records the corresponds with the month selected in the date picker when its changed.
for example if I select May-2021 custom html calculates total records for May-2021 and displays in text field qty_month.
I prefer to have a label but i cant seems to get any custom html to update with text fields \with read only and display as label when read only option enabled
any help to get me started with JavaScript would be fantastic as I am not familiar with Bean Shell.
Thank you