

i have an bar chart (using echart from market place) in my dashboard, the data (Progress) is in decimal and i want to show this as a percentage value with the "%" mark. (e.g. 0.5 as 50%, 1 as 100% etc.)

i have tried the following code in the series customization without any luck

"formatter": "({Progress}%)"

how do i get this to work?

thanks in advance

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    1 answer


      Use JDBC SQL in your datalist datasource and calculate to % so that the column result is in % see https://www.google.com/search?q=sql+calculate+percentage 

      1. dumidu

        There is no option in EChart Menu to change data source, i created another userview with a sql chart component with the following code;

        SELECT c_serial as 'Serial #', c_progress * 100 as 'Progress %'FROM jwdb.app_fd_test WHERE c_status="Open" group by c_serial order by c_serial ASC; 

        this has its own issues like chart y maximum is over 100, also values don't have % marks.

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