
Dear All,

Appreciate if someone can advice how do I go about doing below :

I want to design a hotel complimentary room approval form that needs 4 approver signature to complete the task.

  1. The form has 4 signature at the bottom. When requester submit the form, he/she needs to sign on the 1st signature field. The rest 3 signature column only is disabled
  2. After requester submitted the form, it will appear at 1st approver inbox and the 2nd signature column is enable for input by 1st approver. 
  3. After 1st approver approved it will then appear at 2nd approver inbox and the 3rd signature column is enabled for input by 2nd approver.
  4. The same goes to 3rd approver.

After all 3 approver approved and signed on the signature field, the request is marked as completed.

If any of them rejected the request, it will flag as rejected and the subsequent approvers will not see it on the inbox.

Any rejection or approval at any level, the requester will receive an email notification indicating which approver already approved.

Thank you ad hope to hear your pointers soon.



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    3 answers


      Hi Matthew,

      I visited the market place and I cannot find any multilevel approval flow. Most are single approval only.

      Please could you point me to a specific sample app, TQ.



      1. Matthew King

        here is a sample app with 4 level approvers for yr learning, just download, import and publish the app to try. do go ahead and customize to your liking.


      2. Doan Darling

        Hi Matthew,

        This is almost what I am looking for ! I starting to appreciate the power of Joget as it seemed you effortlessly get it done probably in less than 30min ? Wow ! 

        I saw that the requester can see the progress of the request being approved while he/she can also have the audit trail and able to delete or open a request to view/print.

        Will it be possible that there is an administrator inbox that can view/print/delete all the requests from all the requesters regardless of what is approval status ? Similar to the requester current audit trail but for all the requests from different requesters ? Can Joget achieve that ?

        Let me study how it works and if any question I shall put up and hopefully you have the time to share. Thank you so much.

        Meanwhile I am just wondering other than LMS, is there a remote with live person or training course that we can subscribe to ? As we want to see how we can unleash the power of this amazing product.



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      Hi, there is a lot of example apps with similar multilevel approval flow, you can download from https://marketplace.joget.org/jw/web/userview/mp/mpp/_/aa_apps to learn how it's done. I googled and found that Joget also has online training courseware at https://academy.joget.org/lms/courses you can signup to learn.

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