Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
You can find an app in the marketplace that can provide some references:
Joget Marketplace > View App Details & Download (for MySQL)
Joget Marketplace > View App Details & Download (for MSSQL)
I need to write a Beanshell tool, these tools do not have any Code involved.
Process Monitoring Utility app > Abort Processes Form > Form Builder Properties > Store binder > Bean Shell
I'm writing a Beanshell tool to auto terminate some processes which have existed for a long time(same as manually abort a process in monitor). I want to extract these processes form tables using SQL, and change their status from "running" to "abortion". What are the names for these tables in the database?