Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
I found this Purge Old Completed Process Instances. You can probably modify line 36 to retrieve the instances you want.
I won't recommend changing db value directly as this bypasses the app server logic.
I want to abort those "expired" processes which are still running. I checked the "Process Minitor Utility " app, but it only support manual abortion. So I'm writing a Mysql query script to auto-abort those processes, and it will be ran on a regular basis to clean up space and memory.
Currently I am having some trouble for the tables:
For a running process, it exists in tables "SHKProcesses" and "SHKProcessStates". When we abort it, can we merely change its SHKProcesses.oid to 1000010? Is there any other inner-relationship which I need to consider?
Joget Version: 6.0.14 - build e8d44aa