Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi Fadjar,
Only Joget Workflow v5 supports Captcha. If you want to use Google's reCaptcha, you will need to develop your own plugin to handle it. Personally, I like reCaptcha, lets hope the product team will take it into consideration for future updates
Not sure what problem you're facing, but it should be possible to do it as a plugin too. Looks like there's a new Captcha form element in v5
Dear All,
I have question about integration with re-Capthca from Google with Joget login form.
I just tried to modified the login page but no luck.
I should use the captcha as IT requirement of the organization.
Fadjar Tandabawana