
Hi  All, 

Would like to understand for an Standard Bench mark for Joget v5 running on RHEL 7.1 for 10 dev user and 100  Real end Users - WL will be Mid to complex of 20 - 200 Projects  as expected for 2 -4 Years. 

also the tomcat Port 8080 is more vulnerable to expose and would like to user custom URL for user. shall I run the Joget WF on different Web socket ? example Port to listen  8484 or 9080 etc ? 

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      There's a document on performance at Joget Workflow Clustering and Performance Testing on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that should give you an idea on this. There's also a page on deployment best practices at Joget Workflow Deployment Best Practices that might help as well.

      Regarding Apache Tomcat, yes you can configure it to meet your needs. There are many resources online on Tomcat e.g. the configuration page on its official website https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.0-doc/config/http.html


      1. Janak

        Hi Julian, Thanks for your reply. would like to document on Jogetv5. Once I done my research, I will share my views as well. Thanks Janak

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