
Hi Experts,

This is just an example of what I need to achieve. I have 2 Forms:

  • Form "ONE" - with eg. 4 fields one_continent, one_country, one_city, one_comment.
  • Form "TWO" where based on select box two_city  I would like to dynamically populate text fields two_continent, two_country, two_comment from respective fields and with data from table ONE.

1. I don't want to use Ajax sub-form as this is different to what I need to achieve (but logic is the same).

2. I have managed to achieve the same result using select box and grouping (as shown below), but how to make it with text field?

What about performance with select box - I will have a list with ~ 12k records in form ONE of which about 500 will be visible at once in form TWO.

3. Can Bean Shell or form hash variable can be used to make it?

Can you please support me in this one please, attached app example.



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    1 answer


      Hi Sylwester Nowak

      There is an implementation in the Joget Marketplace Simple Leave app that does the same event as you mentioned above. Do download and explore it in the Apply Leave form. You can learn a lot on how to build Joget Workflow apps from all the free apps in Marketplace.

      In the Simple Leave app, in Apply Leave form, the user selected the Leave Type and Joget uses AjaxSubform to pull the leave entitlement values (in a hidden field, from a different database) and Javascript then pushed the hidden leave balance value to the parent form LeaveBal field. If you have 5 fields to display, create 5 hidden fields in the AjaxSubform, and your Javascript pushes these 5 values into the parent form.

      Best wishes in your app building.

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