Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Use Javascript API#getValue(fieldId) to retrieve.
var value = FormUtil.getValue("field1");
Then, use Javascript API#getField(fieldId) to set.
var field = FormUtil.getField("field1"); $(field).val("test"); //set value
where will i put that? Custom html?
hi! i want to ask if how will i get the value of the select box? the numbers keep on changing whenever i refresh it. i cant get a static value. when i change it to "select" only, all slectbox will be read, not specific. i want to read only the specific select box to transfer it to a grid. how will i read the selectbox as a static value? thank you! screen shots for reference.