Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi Jedi
Do show the error message or joget.log snippet of the error.
Thank you
actually the error occurs when i complete the next process. code violatioon is displayed.
Jedi, first test without the javascript code (cut it out from your Joget form). If the error still occurs, then its not the Javascript problem. If there is no error (without Javascript), try getting help just for the Javascript from
thats my javascript code but when i go to the next form and this is a subform, it errors. what is wrong?
Hi there, Try not to write so much of custom code in your app. Things will go out of hand very quickly just like what you are experiencing now. I cannot help you too without you providing steps to replicate your issue. You did not even tell us what error your are getting. Best of luck!