

I am using a few APIs returning JSON and it works like a charm - thanks for providing the tool and documentation at "Configure JSON Tool based on JSON data structure".

I was wondering how I can store multi-row data from a returned json without a named base object.

Often the returned data looks like this:





}, {





How would I go about configuring the json tool to store multirow data in this case?



  1. Eric

    The error log states that the JSON must begin with a "{". However, it shouldn't be difficult to improve the plugin to be able to work with unnamed arrays as per example above.

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2 answers


    Hi Anders, Thanks for digging that out. I haven't done any work in java for a long time so me trying to extent the plugin probably does more damage than good... It may be something for the Joget team's feature / improvements list though because arrays don't strike me as uncommon JSON responses. Cheers, Eric

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      Hi, looking at the source code for the JSON tool at https://github.com/jogetworkflow/jw-community/blob/7a608018aa940373883b73ff6ad61a23cd518332/wflow-core/src/main/java/org/joget/apps/app/lib/JsonTool.java, I think it expects the JSON response to be an object and not an array. You could try to extend the plugin to support arrays if you need it.

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