Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
You may need to change the time zones in two places:
"Do I need to update all the users time zone manually..." actually if the Setup User time zone field is empty/blank, Joget will default to the System Settings time zone.
Thanks Matthew.
Now I can see the time correctly.
So I need to update all the users time zone manually?
Hi Joget Team,
I am using Joget Cloud and noticed that the current datetime is not reflecting my time zone Kuala Lumpur datetime.
It should be 12:16:22 PM
I have updated the system time zone in the general settings but still no change:
When I am using date hash variable in the form also it is not reflecting the correct time:

I am trying to create a process where an email reminder is supposed to be sent out 1 hour before the appointment time. How do I ensure that the reminder will be sent out at the correct time?
Example: Appointment Time is 15:00 on 02 October 2023. The system should sent out reminder at 14:00 on 02 October 2023 based on Malaysia time.