Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi, it depends on your environment. Assuming you are running on Tomcat, then you have to make sure that there are no port conflicts on the Tomcat instances. You can configure the ports in tomcat/conf/server.xml. For the database you can setup separate databases on the same db server, but you need to ensure that each Joget instance is configured to the appropriate db eg Custom Database Configuration. Another alternative is to run using VMs (Installation using the OVA VM Image) or container technology (Joget Workflow on Docker).
Hi anders,
In my case can you help me to point out ,My case is i have two different applications both needs to use unique and different Joget workflow, By default jw.war is deployed and the context path is jw and it picks up the wflow. so i have to develop the second workflow and deploy it as another instance of tomcat in different port. again context path is same /jw. please share your thoughts.having difficulty in loadbalancer forwards bcoz for the two different applications context pathy reamins the same only port differs
Hi Anders,
Great, thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. I would definitely want to go with the "Docker" option.
Hi Guys,
I would like to know, how to configure, running two instances of Joget on the same server (Dev and QA) ?