
I am translating our application into German. On a form that has been translated, when I leave a required field blank, Joget displays an error message that says "Validation Error" in English.  I added an id and a German translation in the messages but it it still comes up in English.  I looked at the PO files on translate.joget.com and I see in the one called "console", they have the exact same translation set up the same way.  I also tried adding it to the area "Platform Translation" in the Setting.  That also had no effect.

There are a number of messages that are part of the Joget system I need to translate.  Is there something I need to do different?

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    2 answers


      Yes, I added it there per the instructions but the error remains in English as seen in these screen shots.

      1. Anders

        The key in the message entry should be something like "client.app.run.process.label.validationError" instead of the "Validation Error", which is the translated label.

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      Hi, did you try adding the message using the Add Translation button under Platform Translation? The docs for this are at Platform Translation.

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