
Hello, We are developing an application that is capable of managing a project. What we are looking for is that the tasks of the project behave as specific processes. So,through beanshell, we are controlling when a process (task) that is part of a project begins and ends .

However, at the moment a process ends we would like to automatically start the next one from beanshell. I understand that there are functions via JSON API (Sample JSON API Integration) to do so, but how can we use them from a bean shell tool?


I was able to initialize the process by:

 WorkflowManager wm = (WorkflowManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext (). GetBean ("workflowManager");
    wm.processStart ("test_process#1#process1")

However, now we are also interested in initializing two workflow variables within the same operation, to send a user name that must start the task and a string with a unique identifier of the project. The help in WorkflowManager#processStart shows that this can be done according to the following structure:

public org.joget.workflow.model.WorkflowProcessResult processStart (java.lang.String processDefId, java.util.Map <java.lang.String, java.lang.String> variables)

But when trying something like

WorkflowManager wm = (WorkflowManager) AppUtil.getApplicationContext (). GetBean ("workflowManager");
    wm.processStart ("test_process#1#process1", "variable", "value")

It shows us an error that says it is not waiting for three text strings. Experts, could someone tell me how to make this last modification?

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    1 answer


      Hi, according to the declaration the processStart method is expecting two parameters where the 2nd is a Map. Found an example in Bean Shell Programming Guide#UseasProcessToolUseasProcessTool under "Start a new process instance for each row of data loaded using foreign key and value" .

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