Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Have you checked your delete action config? Since it's bulk deletion, ensure that it is the right form being deleted. (if it's a combination joining of multiple tables, then you may need a beanshell action to delete it proper)
also in the delete action, check for
"Delete Associated Grid Data?"
"Delete Associated Child Form Data?"
"Delete Files?"
the above might impact your deletion
Other than that, any errors in the logs that might indicate issues during the delete operation?
Hi Ian,
Thank you for your reply.
These three checkbox has been checked and the form is pointing to the main form where all these tables are been generated.
For the source i use the "Form Data Binder" to generate the table.
I also have checked for any errors in the log file but nothing there.
Hi all,
I have created the initial form and once completed i click on the "Generate App" to generate the process and the datalist. After that using the form i'm able to store the submitted forms and display them but when i try to delete a record nothing happens. I also tried creating the delete action but same result the data is not been deleted. any advice on what may have gone wrong?
thank you in advance.