Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Hi Justin,
We are using Joget Cloud edition (V6).
Regarding the sample app, I don't know what I could send you as I already included the complete script in my question.
In fact, the application is very simple : We have as form with 2 fields (1 "File Upload" field (ID = "attachment") and 1 "Text" field (ID = "cb")), and what I want to do is, when a file is selected for upload, get the name of the file from the "attachment" field and fill the Text field "cb" with a substring of it.
It worked perfectly in Joget Cloud V5
Thank you in advance for your help
Hey Daniel,
Firstly, are you using Joget v5 or v6?
Secondly, is it possible to send us a sample app of this?
I wrote the following script in a "Custom HTML" field to fill a field with part of the filename when a file is selected.
It worked perfectly in Version 8 of Joget, but since version 9, it doesn't. Could someone help ?
Thank you in advance.
//when File is selected (field "attachment" is changed)
var f1 = FormUtil.getField("cb");
var t = FormUtil.getValue("attachment").split(/[\\\/]/).pop();
t = t.split(".")[0];
$(f1).val(t); //set value