Hello there,

I've just tested using a subform repeater to conveniently enter data for multiple records. The layout possibilities are great but I came accros what seems buggy to me.

Indeed, when implementing visibility control rules or grouping dependencies (in radio field for example), the implementation on the form containing the subform repeater is completely wrong. Visibility rules seem to be applied once for all the subforms depending on one single field value (most likely the field value of the last record).

Is this normal?



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    3 answers


      Hi Baptiste

      There was an update to the Subform Repeater Plugin on 2-Jul-2019. If you are using a version of the Subform Repeater Plugin prior to 2-Jul-2019, kindly uninstall your existing plugin, download and re-import the latest Subform Repeater Plugin .jar.

      If you are still experiencing the same error on the new version, kindly attach a mini app with subform repeater example that we can test locally.

      Thank you.

      1. Baptiste

        Hi Andrew,

        Thank you very much for the heads up. I completely missed that update. So it is working fine now. I guess the issue was corrected in this last version!




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      More info on the issue:

      • It seems to me it is a timing issue. If subforms are loaded quickly then I guess the html building engine gives then same ID to 2 or more subforms (are form elements IDs given according to a timestamp?)
      • To "resolve" that (but this is dirty as hell", i added some hidden elements to my subform so that it takes time to be loaded. It seems to have resolved the issue.

      But i'd like a cleaner solution!

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        Added to this, loading multiple forms in Subform repeater has strange behaviour with Radio buttons :

        In the picture above for instance, all 4 radio buttons are linked (I can only have one selected) whereas each pair corresponds to one record.

        This behavior is not systematic and quite random as it can appear or disappear when I refresh the page. It is actually linked to the name given to the control by Joget. it is sometimes the same for both controls (but it should not).

        Any thoughts?

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