

Details: Form followed by bean shell activity and route to next assignment. We are submitting form by UI as well as API.

  • Earlier form submitted by API only insert records but does not start process.
  • so as per suggestion we triggered process in post processing bean shell tool using
"WorkflowProcessResult result = workflowManager.processStart(processDefId, null, null, null, recordId,  false);"

Problem Statement: API able to create record and start process successfully, but now if form submitted by UI 2 process has been initiated (one in prost processing bean Shell with record ID and 2nd by joget default on form submission. 


  • Is there any way to stop Joget to start default process. Only post processing bean shell does the job.
  • Any way to find request is submitted to UI or API so the check can be placed in post processing bean shell. So Bean shell process only start if submitted by API.
  •  Any better approach to handle the case, where form submitted by API and UI start one process only.  
  • I tried few mapping changes as well but no success yet. 

Flow: Form A → Activity → Route → Form B

Setup Details: Joget DX Enterprise (Version: 7.0.29 - build 29aa79a), 

Appreciate your help.

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    1 answer


      Hi, I assume that you are using the Run Process menu, since the process starts upon form submission. If you do not wish to tie the form submission to a process, you can try using the Form Menu instead.

      1. A. Chaudhary

        Thank You Anders. Using Form menu instead of Run process solve the issue. 

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