For one of the workflows that I have implement, I need to have dynamic task assignment.

In other words, the user group that receives the task must be dynamically determined, probably from a variable from an earlier form.


1. An employee sends a file to a client - on the form, the client can be chosen and the file can be uploaded.

2. The client that was specified on the form, receives an email notification.

3. The client logs in to view/download the file.

Is this possible to do now?

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  1. Yes. We can map a participant to a workflow variable, instead of a particular user or user group.

    Which means, you could have an activity that sets the workflow variable value (as username), and this username will be reflected to the workflow participant.

    1. Thanks.

      A slight clarification - can I dynamically choose the group of users to map to the next activity?

      i.e. In my workflow above, "the client" can have several users, who should all receive the email notification (2) and be able to view/download the file (3).


      1. In this case, you can map the participant to a plugin instead (such as BeanShell Plugin). Then using BeanShell script, you could return a collection of usernames. You may refer to this forum thread for example.