I sign in as admin to the system and that has no problem, but when i select launch workflow designer I get a pop up notice to allow to open/download a file in witch i select to open the file and when the file has ended downloading,  I get a Java Error, the error has 3 tabs that i put below:

Running File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp codebase="http://localhost:80/wflow-designerweb/webstart">
        <homepage href="http://www.joget.org/"/>
        <description>joget.org wfdesigner</description>
        <shortcut online="true">
    <update check="background" policy="prompt-update"/>
        <j2se version="1.5+"/>
        <jar href="wflow-designer.jar" version="2.0.0" main="true"/>
        <jar href="jped.jar" version="2.0"/>
        <jar href="jped-shark-historyRelated.jar" version="2.0"/>
        <jar href="jped-shark-forms.jar" version="2.0"/>
        <jar href="jped-highlight.jar" version="2.0"/>
        <jar href="jgraph.jar" version=""/>
        <jar href="javahelp.jar" version="2.0.02"/>
        <jar href="xercesImpl.jar" version="2.8.1"/>
        <jar href="xml-apis.jar" version="1.3.04"/>
        <jar href="batik-svggen.jar" version="1.7"/>
        <jar href="batik-dom.jar" version="1.7"/>
        <jar href="itext.jar" version="2.0.6"/>
        <jar href="jedit-syntax.jar" version="2.2.2"/>
        <jar href="commons-codec.jar" version="1.2"/>
        <jar href="commons-discovery.jar" version="0.2"/>
        <jar href="commons-logging.jar" version="1.0.4"/>
        <jar href="officelnfs.jar" version="2.7"/>
        <jar href="batik-awt-util.jar" version="1.7"/>
        <jar href="batik-util.jar" version="1.7"/>
        <jar href="batik-css.jar" version="1.7"/>
        <jar href="batik-ext.jar" version="1.7"/>
        <jar href="xml-apis-ext.jar" version="1.3.04"/>
        <jar href="batik-xml.jar" version="1.7"/>
        <jar href="xalan.jar" version="2.6.0"/>
        <jar href="log4j.jar" version="1.2.15"/>
        <jar href="commons-httpclient.jar" version="3.1"/>
    <application-desc main-class="org.joget.designer.Designer">


com.sun.deploy.net.FailedDownloadException: No se puede cargar el recurso: (http://localhost:80/wflow-designerweb/webstart/wflow-designer.jar?version-id=2.0.0, 2.0.0)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.actionDownload(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResource(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload$DownloadTask.call(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

 PD No se puede cargar el recurso means Cant load the resource

Exception with wrap

java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://localhost:80/wflow-designerweb/webstart/wflow-designer.jar?version-id=2.0.0
 at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor2.newInstance(Unknown Source)
 at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
 at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$6.run(Unknown Source)
 at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
 at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException(Unknown Source)
 at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doRequest(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doRequest(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doGetRequest(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.actionDownload(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResourceCacheEntry(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.getResource(Unknown Source)
 at com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownload$DownloadTask.call(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://localhost:80/wflow-designerweb/webstart/wflow-designer.jar?version-id=2.0.0
 at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
 at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(Unknown Source)
 ... 15 more

Thanks in advance for your advice

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  1. Hi Eduardo, could you please check whether this file exists?


    1. Tienesoon, thank you for your fast reply, and yes the file exists, I would really aprecciate more advice

  2. If you wan`t you could connect to my cpu via teamviewer to check the proble directly on my cpu.

  3. Maybe the error comes when it tries to reach port 80 because in the error it says it happens in http://localhost:80/ when the system is running in port 8080

    1. Hi Eduardo,

      You mean, you actually access the Workflow Management Console at http://localhost:8080?

      If your Joget Workflow is running at port 8080, could you try to directly access this URL in the browser? http://localhost:8080/wflow-designerweb/webstart

      1. you will be prompted to download webstart.jnlp file
      2. download webstart.jnlp into a preferred location
      3. double click on webstart.jnlp, and see if you could launch the Workflow Designer this way?
      1. Tiensoon:

        I followed your instructions and the same error appears, What else should i do?

        Thanks in advance

  4. I found the problem, I had a download accelerator installed on the machine, and that program didn´t allowed the system to start.

    I appreciated the promt advice.


    1. Glad to hear that you have found the root cause of the stumbling stone :)

  5. Hi, I have same problem with 2.0.1 version. I have not any download accelerator. could anybody help?

    1. Do you have Oracle Express installed in the same machine? Take a look at this forum thread to see if it helps.

      1. Yes, I Have. After stop the service, workflow designer run smoothly. Thanks

  6. I have a problem with mine, I do not have oracle 10g installed, running on win 7 64 bit. It just stays like this

    1. Hi Yee Kit,

      This has nothing to do with having Oracle 10g Database installed or not actually. Maybe you can have your JRE/JDK updated to the latest version and try to launch it again. It might also help by clearing your cache at Windows -> Control Panel -> Java -> Temporary Internet Files -> Settings -> Delete Files.

      You can also try to turn on the debug console at Windows -> Control Panel -> Java -> Advanced -> Java Console -> Show Console/Debugging.

      Hope this will get you somewhere.


      1. Hi hugo,

        the console still does not show itself when I double click the webstart.jnlp. , my JRE is the latest JRE 7, no jdk installed

        additional info


  7. Hi guys,

    I am facing the same problem. I can't launch workflow editor. 

    and after check, I can't open http://localhost:8080/wflow-designerweb/webstart


    I don't have wflow-designerweb/webstart/wflow-designer-2.0.0.jar   (the file flow-designer-2.0.0.jar is not exist.  0.0)

    I can install the joget smoothly, but can't launch the workflow.

    Anybody can help me?

    Thanks, many thanks.

    1. wflow-designerweb is the context path for v2. v3 is using jwdesigner.

      You are posting in the wrong forum.