Hi all,

I would need to create a process in which the requester (the person who started the process) would need to fill a document.

The filled document would then be approved by his manager.

Is it possible to do such a task ?

Can I give a document to download and fill in an activity ? (in a form ?)



  • No labels


  1. Yes, definitely. Just include the File Upload element into the requester's form will do.

    1. With this the user will only be able to upload a document, can I give him in the form a document to download and fill ?

      1. You can use Custom HTML to include a hyperlink to a document. So that, after downloading the document, fill it up in word processor, and he/she can upload it back via an activity form.

        1. ok I think I'll do that, thanks !

          I would have an other question then, where are stored the uploaded files ? beacuse I saw that in the formdata tab, only the file name is store (no path or anything else)..

          Because I'm trying to implement a custom archive view of all the completed processes and I would need to display forms datas and a link to uploaded files for each process, how can I do this ?

          I'm currently using the database but maybe is there a "cleaner" way ?



          1. The uploaded files are physically kept in (bu default) the /wflow/formuploads/ folder in your Joget installation directory.

            To display the uploaded file (uploaded from Form A) in Form B, we can include a File Upload element in Form B, using the same element name as the one used in Form A. This way, a link to download the file will be inserted in Form B.

            1. Thanks, I'll do that

            2. Hi Tiensoon, there is a way to change the directory to another drive to save uploading files?