what should i put as the var parameter. (XXXX)

insert into tlb_products (id_product, atribute1, atribute2) values (XXXX, XXXX, XXXX)

how can i call the forms vars

sorry about my english

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  1. Assuming you have Contact Form, using contact_form as form data table. In this form, you have a textfield, with its name (in advanced properties) configured as "name". 

    In Database Plugin, you can configure Form Data Table as contact_form. Then in the Query, we could get the value of the "name" textfield as:

    insert into table_name (columnName) values ('#form.name#)

    1. I Tried this, but it doesn't work!

      for the same variable names you used in your example:

      i tried : insert into table_name (columnName) values ("ConstantName"); this inserts correctly

      but when i use hash variables : insert into table_name (columnName) values ("#form.name#"); nothing is inserted !!

      MySQL plugin version is 1.0.3

      Thanks in advance,

      1. Hi there,

        Please take a look at the server log. You should be able to see hints on why it did not go through successfully.


  2. Sorry, I don't know how to start a new topic discussion in this forum. I'm newbie.

    I have a problem with workflow. It used to be running well before, and we didn't do any changes.

    We have simple workflow named LinkOrder. User group for this workflow :

    Requestor -> Verificator -> Approval

    The problem is, verificator can't see the data from its form, it's blank.

    I look into the table in database. There is something wrong with the record. It's unsual.

    I will describe the detail after receiving response from anyone of you.


    1. Hi Captiva,

      You can just navigate to the node that you think best fits your question and post away.

      I do not understand your question as there's too little information provided by you. Please try to explain more.

      Have a nice day ahead! Cheers~

      1. let me simplify, from user perspective :

        requestor : i've registered data for linkorder, please verify, linkorder-id = xxx

        verificator : hey requestor, linkorder-id xxx have no data at all, are you sure registered that ?

        requestor : yes

        verificator : apps admin, please solve this problem

        note: linkorder-id xxx - 1 is ok, but linkorder-id xxx and after id xxx, for all data registered by requestor 

        didn't display in verification form.

        I check to database, there's record linkorder-id xxx registered by requestor in table LinkOrder.

        After verificator approved linkorder-id xxx (the data didn't display), record linkorder-id xxx became double

        in table LinkOrder.

        Table LinkOrder, column :

        `id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
          `formId` varchar(255) default NULL,
          `c_Jns_link` text,
          `c_Unit_Req` text,
          `c_refName` text,
          `c_Description` text,
          `c_Provider` text,
          `c_Port_2` text,
          `c_username` text,
          `c_ReqDate` text,
          `c_ReqID` text,
          `c_Port_1` text,
          `c_Reff_ID` text,
          `c_Urgency` text,
          `processId` varchar(255) default NULL,
          `version` varchar(255) default NULL,
          `activityId` varchar(255) default NULL,
          `draft` varchar(255) default NULL,
          `modified` datetime default NULL,
          `created` datetime default NULL,
          `username` varchar(255) default NULL,
          `refCount` int(11) default NULL,
          `refName` varchar(255) default NULL,
          `c_IP_Address` text,
          `c_Delivery_Date` text,
          `c_Bandwith` text,
          `c_Ref_Provider` text,
          `c_DataIn` text,
          `c_Closing_Ref` text,
          `c_counter2_radio_2` text,
          `c_counter_radio_2` text,
          `c_counter2_radio_1` text,
          `c_counter_radio_1` text,
          `c_counter2_radio_13` text,
          `c_counter_radio_13` text,
          `c_RegDate` text,
          `c_packageXpdlUpdate` text,
          `c_ProcessId` text,

          PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)


        1. HI there,

          I can't really understand your problem. Do you mind attaching some screenshots or the App that would emulate the problem that you are facing?

          Have a nice weekend.
