I was wondering if you could give me some feedback:

  • How can I set up an IDE so that I can develop and test Bean Shell Plugins more easily? Is there a way I can setup Eclipse to develop them?
  • If an organization deploys dozens of workflows is there a way to organize the inbox better?
  • How can I define that only the creator of a workflow or a group of people can see a workflow instance?
  • How can I allow the creator or a group to delete a workflow instance from the inbox?
  • Only a few form input types support workflow or form variables. How can I populate form fields with data that comes from an external data source?
  • No labels


  1. 1. The scripts in BeanShell Script is essentially standard Java syntax. Usually, as of my personal preference, I would write the Java codes in Eclipse, usually just a simple console application, then copy and paste into BeanShell Plugin script.

    2. You could use Hash Variable in activity name (such as to prefix with #assignment.processName#) so that the tasks listed in Inbox is more identifiable. Alternatively, you could embed the Task Inbox into an external web application. One of the parameters in the Inbox embedding JavaScript, allows us to specify packageId. So you could have a few inbox, each listing the tasks of a distinctive package.

    3. If you are referring to the Manage Processes page, all users with "Admin" role will be able to see all processes. If you are referring to the "Run a Process" page, you could configure "Process Start White List" of a process in the "Participant Mapping" tab, and only users specified in this white list will be able to run that particular process.

    4. This couldn't be done at the moment. However, user with "Admin" role could remove an instance from the Running Processes page.

    5. Perhaps you could use BeanShell Plugin to query a datasource, and set value to a workflow variable. Then, in Form Builder, we could have the workflow variable value set into a form field (such as text field), by using #variable.variableName# Hash Variable.

  2. Tiensoon, could you give an example on how I could bind external data to form fields? I.e. I use Bean Shell for a SQL Select statement:

    select firstName, lastName, birthDate, gender, title from persons where person = '#user.username.username#'

    Is this syntax correct?

    The result I assign to variables like this?

    wm.activityVariable(workflowAssignment.getActivityId(), "variableId", "variableValue");

    What variable type should be used form or workflow variable to bind the value to a form field?

    1. If you want to populate options for selectbox, check boxes or radio buttons, you can create a Form Variable, attach the Form Variable implementation with BeanShell Plugin. An example of BeanShell script to create a Form Variable, can be found here. You can easily modify the sample script, to query from database via JDBC, and populate the query results into Form Variable.

      However, if you are looking at the possibility of setting a non-multiple-options form field (such as text field) with a data queried from database, then you would need to place a BeanShell Plugin instance before calling the activity form, to query targeted data from database and set the data to a workflow variable. Example of scripts to query database and set workflow variable value can be found here; just need to merge the codes :)

  3. I can't login.Why?please help

    1. Hi angeliki,

      Can you post in relevant topic or create a new one if needed and possibly give more details on your situation?

      Thank you.

      1. Hi.I installed joget but when i want to login in workflow management console it says that my attempt wasn't succesful.I changed my password twice and it says the same things

        1. Do you mean that, you have never able to login to your new installation of Workflow Management Console using the default - admin as username and admin as password?

          You could try accessing the MySQL database to check the password:

          • host: localhost
          • port: 3307
          • user: root

          User records are kept in dir_user table

          1. thank you .it works now