Was able to install and launch Joget server perfectly, but when launching Workflow Designer, I get the following when running webstart.jnlp (see screenshots).

I can access the resource url from the browser, but webstart can't.

I'm on Windows 7 which is 64-bit.

Same problem with JAVA_HOME set to the 32-bit version of the JDK.


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  1. Hi Clara,

    Are you able to access http://localhost:8080/wflow-designerweb/webstart in browser? When this URL is accessed, are you prompted with option to open or save the file? If you save the JNLP file into your computer, are you able to double click the JNLP file to launch the Workflow Designer?

    Please also refer to this forum topic to see if the suggested solution could help.

    1. hi Tiensoon,

      Thanks for your reply.

      Yes to all of your questions. The screenshots are after I double clicked the JNLP file.

      I will check the other forum topic.

      Is there a way to start the designer without webstart?



    2. Tiensoon,

      The other forum topic didn't really help.

      I tried temporarily disabling my Norton antivirus, but got the same result.

      I can access the URL from the browser:


      But the error says Unable to download and File Not Found for the URL, not the file.

      If I go the directory (C:\Joget-v2\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\webapps\wflow-designerweb\webstart), the file is there as



      Again, I need a workaround for this quickly.
      Is there a way to start the wflow-designer WITHOUT webstart?



      1. Hi Clara

        Just met someone who shown me the same problem as you are facing. And it turns out with the following findings:

        1. Accessing the Joget Workflow via http://localhost:8080, Workflow Designer couldn't be launched.
        2. Accessing the Joget Workflow via computer name or intranet IP, the Workflow Designer can be launched!

        And in the end, found that the issue is caused by Oracle 10g Express Edition installed in his PC, and somehow, Oracle 10g is running a service on port 8080 too! Don't know how is that possible for Joget Workflow to be running without port conflict.

        Not sure if the same symptom is occurring on your PC too. If that the case, you may access your Joget Workflow using hostname / IP, or configure Tomcat of your Joget Workflow to run on alternative port.

        1. hi Tiensoon,

          Indeed, I had Oracle 10g Express installed.

          I stopped all Oracle services, and Joget Workflow Designer now launches!

          Thanks for all your help and quick resolution.



  2. Hi Clara & Tiensoon,

    I've some new finding here. Have you seen the error as attached below before? I got this screen when I tried to Update my flow via Workflow Designer

    Once I clicked OK, it will direct me to an empty Workflow Designer as below (supposingly I will see my flows)

    I thought it was my XPDL that causes this problem BUT eventually I found out that it was because I had Oracle 10g Express running. Once I stopped all Oracle services, it's back to normal.


  3. Hi Tiensoon

    I am also facing similar issue when trying to open the wflow designer. The screen shots of the 

    error that I am getting when I open the designer from my local machine is below.

    I am able to see the file wflow-designer-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar under the wflow-designerweb\webstart folder.

    1) I tried to replace the loaclhost with the computer name an port no but still the same issue .

    2) When I tried with the computer name and without the port no it is throwing the error 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

    I have oracle 10G client installed in my machine and it is not running as there are no services related to oracle 10g in my services list to stop.

    Can some one help me to get this problem fixed.



    1. May I know which version of Joget Workflow you are using? You can see the version number on the Workflow Management Console login page.

      1. Hi Tiensoon,

        Thanks for your quick reply. The version that I have is 2.0-SNAPSHOT - build 0. Also we have done some changes and customised few of the modules.

        When I tried the link http://localhost:8080/wflow-designerweb/webstart I am getting the error "HTTP Status 404 - Servlet JnlpDownloadServlet is not available"



        1. What changes have you done? It is advisable that you make incremental changes to Joget if you were to change its coding just to make sure you don't break things. 

          Can you also verify that it works with the vanilla version of Joget before committing the changes?

          Hope it helps!

          1. Hi Hugo,

            We have modified the code to create a custom element in the Form builder for having a specific functionality and we are in middle of the testing actually and we made changes to forms and formsweb module accordingly.

            But the thing is, we are able to view the new custom element that we have added and after these changes when we tried to create a process for testing this functionality we were not able to open up the designer and I tried restarting the server few times and later I was able to open up the web designer and now its not opening up and getting hanged in the middle and I just added 2 participants and then tried adding activities but Im not able to add them and seeing only empty page in the designer and it got hanged then.

            Also we are not seeing any error msgs in the console, please find below the screenshots,




            Could you please help in fixing this issue or any pointer for fixing it would be of great help.

  4. Hi everyone!

    I'm new with joget =)

    I install and launch Joget server perfectly, but when launching Workflow Designer, I get the following when running webstart.jnlp (see screenshots).

    I can access the resource url from the browser, but webstart can't.

    I'm on Windows 7 which is 64-bit.

    I read tips before and I've considered all

    The problem happen when I try to launch Workflow Designer
    and java exception is diferent: org.jped.plugins.CorePlugin

    finally I tried with that:
    I really appreciate someone can help me

    thanks for yours answers!


  5. I've got the same problem with Himer, can anybody help??


    Thanks..  T.T