Hi all,

I'm trying to make some database updates in my process but it doesn't seems to work...

here is my update query : UPDATE `dir_user` SET `holidays`=(`holidays`-1) WHERE `id`='admin';

I use Heidi SQL to brows my database and to try this query (which worked).

I can't find in the logs any trace of the database query, should there be some ?

How can I check if my query worked ?

I'd also need to use a conditionnal route in my process, with conditions on my database datas, is it possible with the classic database plugin ?

With another plugin ?

Any other way ?



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  1. Hi Antoine,

    Did you specify the port number in the DB URL? If you're using the standard Windows installer, it should be on Port 3307.

    1. That was my problem !



      1. You're welcome. :-)