
Somebody can show me a working examle code, where are using a checkbox list with beanshell  and in the beanshell getting a workflow variable to local variable?

If I using in a textbox #variable.test#, i write this parameter to the textbox field i see the correct value, but in a beanshell can't use this.

Joget 2.0.3 with mysql

I'am trying this:


String test1 = new String("#variable.test#");
  PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT  id, c_SzKor_Nev  from formdata_Jogosultsagok_BF WHERE c_Szolg_Id LIKE 'SAP' and c_user_name = '"test1"' "); // SQL query




this:WorkflowManager workflowManager = (WorkflowManager) pluginManager.getBean("workflowManager");
String usernames = workflowManager.getProcessVariable(workflowActivity.getProcessId(), "test"); /

But nor working...I can't get a variable value.

Pls. Show me a working example. This is very important for us! THX

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1 Comment

  1. i also face same problem.is there any one know the solution for  this problem?

