
I am trying loading a form inside another form, but the fields of the sub-form are blank, except one radio button. This radio button is a workflow variable, and the other controls of the subform are not variables.

Is it possible to view the contents of the sub-form?

  • No labels


  1. Could you share a screenshot?

  2. Here is the screenshot  http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/5194/suba.jpg  . I have manage to make subforms to work but in a more simple form.

    The proble is that the radio button(type of service) gets user's option (isn't visible in the screenshot) but the other fields are blank.

    I checked the form data folder and the file that i use to upload is saved inside this folder.

    1. hm.. I'm still not able to see your problem.

      When you got the subform to work in a simpler form, how simple is that? Trying to figure out what's the difference could it be, with your intended form that doesn't work, comparing to the simpler one that works.

      Any other community members out there having a second opinion?

    2. Hi Xlap Tsopofgr,

      did you find a solution? I also have a similar problem.

  3. I found it! I had some string type workflow variables. It worked well. Then I made an integer type, and the subforms are empty. If I remove the integer type workflow variable works fine again. :)

  4. Hi,

    I have a problem regarding the sub-form. I have created 3 forms, example Form A, Form B, and Form C.

    I have used Sub-Form to include Form A in Form B. Then I try to used Sub-Form again to include Form B in Form C.

    When I run the process (Form C) the screen won't show the Form A which is sub form in Form B.

    Form A= Issues or Complaint Details

    Form B= Issues or Complaints Technician Action form

    Form C= ITD Management Approval Action

    1. Is the any ways to prevent this problem?
    2. What should I do?